Harrison Homes |HNA Housing Programs

Internal Improvement Grants

Homeowners and/or renters living in the Harrison neighborhood OR landlords who live in the State of Minnesota may apply for a one time grant (up to $2,000 per property) to use for internal improvements required to meet and/or exceed code compliance on a dwelling. Grant applicants must have a gross family income of 80% or less of Median Income.

Click here to download an application   Contact HNA at 612-361-6433 for more information.


External Improvement Grants

Homeowners that live in the Harrison neighborhood may apply for a one time grant (up to $2,000 per property) to use for external improvements that ensure a property meets and or/exceeds code compliance on a dwelling. Grant applicants must have a gross family income of 80% or less of Median Income.

Click here to download an application 
Contact HNA at 612-361-6433 for more information. 

Tool Rental Program

Harrison residents may rent tools from North End Hardware (up to $300 per household) for home/property rehab work. You must first come to HNA's office and fill out a Tool Rental Form.  Tools can only be rented from North End Hardware after you have received a Tool Rental Form from the HNA office. 

Read the tool rental program guidelines here. NOTE: there are several changes to the program guidelines from previous years. Please read the guidelines carefully.

Please stop in to the office or call us at 612-374-4849, or email info@hnampls.org to receive an application and learn more about the Harrison Homes programs.